Illustration Example

This is an expressive illustration style done in watercolor.
The context of which this illustration appeared was for paintings, tattoo art, and ink art.
The sender of the illustrated message is Luqman Reza Mulyono also know as Jongkie he sells his own work to anyone who is interested worldwide.
His intended audience would be people interested in ink or water color art as well as people who want interesting tattoo art.
The purpose and communication of this illustration is to create a unique expressive view of a tiger, to give a kind of mythical view and to make it create of feeling of more than just a normal tiger but more mythical and serene. It shows of the majesty of the tiger as more than a predator from the wild but as a beautiful animal with a tranquil gracefulness surrounding it. His work creates a whimsical touch with the curvature of the lines.
The illustrator Luqman Reza Mulyono is from Indonesia and also works from his home town.
This illustration is in watercolor.
I chose this as an excellent example of illustration because I like the way the artist captures the realism of the tiger but creates a unique surreal view with the use of colors and curved smoky lines surrounding it. It makes the tiger look as if it is forming out of smoke and materializing.